Sakthi water level controller automatically switch ON the
Motor, When the tank water level is low and switch OFF the motor when tank is full.
Main Function
Maintains adequate
water level in your tank.
Avoids overflow. Saves
water and electricity for the Nation.
Operations; both Automatic and manual possible Sensors are fully electronics, no fear of any shocks. Prevents the dry run of the motor.
Auto/Manual Switch
Normally switch should be in Auto position. In case of problem in controls, the switch can be changed to Manual position.
Reset Switch
To check the control and the tank water level, press the Reset switch.
Power ON : Indicates the power from mains
Motor dry run : Indicates when airlock
Tank Full : Indicates, water tank is full.
Sump Dry : Indicates, when sump water is dry
Motor On : Indicates the motor running.